common questions

Who do you work with at lm?

Our primary client base is comprised of online service providers, coaches, & mentors. We work with a wide variety of industries from legal to health to business. 


I've purchased a ton of courses before & no luck.

This may not be the correct marketing answer, but in our humble opinion, if you've purchased a ton of courses & nothing has worked for you, it's most likely not the course that was the problem rather the lack of implementation. We pride ourselves on the accountability we offer our clients & have worked with so many people just like you. 


I want to make 6 figures & it's taking me forever.

Every multi million dollar founder has started exactly where you are. If you haven't yet hit six figures, you have a marketing & sales problem. If no one knows who you are, no one can buy from you. Similarly, you still won't make sales if you don't know how to convert the people you attract. This is what we seek to solve through our framework. 


How do i know this will work for me?

You don't. But what we can offer you is a look into the clients who've come before you who have seen truly remarkable results. We know that we will show up for you 110% inside of our offerings but we cannot guarantee how you implement. You are in control of your results. 


What is your pricing?

Pricing varies significantly based on the offer & level of support that you would like to obtain. That being said, we have a variety of offerings at all different price points to ensure that our services are as accessible as possible to all levels of founders.


do you take on clients worldwide?

Yes! We are located in the United States, but we have clients all over the world! 


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